Oh, Fantastic.

Yesterday evening after dins, the children and I headed down to the beach for an evening walk. One of the kids was riding a bike, the other walking. It was another day of hot weather and there were plenty of people out and about. We have only used this route once before at this time of the day, on the previous evening. Last night it was jam packed full of people exercising. There were at least four different sports clubs or boot camps in progress from quite young children sprint training, some teens in a running club and big boot camp in progress and a smaller one too.

Add to this many others walking, running, together, alone, in couples or groups, a smattering of cyclist, a couple on a tandem and quite a number of runners using the long set of stairs, up and down, up and down,  from the beach to the road to get their hearts and bodies working.

I was so delighted to happen upon this bubble of health and fitness happening so locally, especially after the depressing thoughts from the lasts weeks visit to the dentist. This area is such a mixture of people. Quite a lot of different races and income levels. There is a lot of money floating around and a lot of people really struggling. Put all of this aside as its impossible to tell someone’s bank balance when we are all dressed the same and moving towards the same goal of getting fitter, stronger and healthier. The atmosphere was great and we will be walking there again tonight.

After the walk/cycle/steps running/playground pitstop we headed straight to the amazing outdoor local lagoon –  a really big pool next to the sea. It was past 7 and getting dark so for the children it was lovely to be outside having a ‘midnight swim’. They had a great play, the lagoon was not that busy then it was home for quick showers and bed.

Another beautiful day in our beautiful state in this amazing country that affords us so much beauty, freedom and fun. Thank you Australia.

Words on Child Health and Parental Responsibility

A recent visit to our local dentist led to many thoughts with regard to how parents care for the health of their child, in this case, dental health. My children are 5 and 7 and their teeth are in perfect health. Not surprisingly as I take my job to look after them seriously and I carry it out to the best of my ability. This is the third time we have been to the dentist and again, they said to me directly, well done, you are doing a really good job. Nice to hear yes but no big deal. When she gave the kids a sticker it was with the words “We don’t give too many of these away – the sticker read “Horray – No Decay” Sadly, I could well believe it. It is a dentist that treats those who are eligible for dental benefits under the child dental benefits schedule and it makes $1000 available over a two year period for basic dental services. It is situated bang in the middle of a pretty low socio-economic area, to use a politically correct term. To speak frankly, it is overflowing with scum. When i use the term scum, understand that in this broad sweep of the brush, i do not refer to anyone who is simply poor and lives well, works hard and endeavours to be healthy and to steer their children onto bigger and better things. Here are some examples that may shock or surprise you are you may think so, what is so bad about that? I would be interested to hear your opinions. I can furnish you with many, many more examples.

A place where at the local shopping centre I witnessed a mother walking across a car park with her little boy of about 5 years old saying, without much malice or anger “Come on you fucking little retard”. My husband overheard in the supermarket this weekend a father talking to his approx. five year old son “Mate, don’t bullshit me, I fucking hate it when you fucking bullshit me”. Tattoos adorn horribly obese bodies, hanging out of too tight, too small, too loose, barely clothed bodies. Its not unusual to see entire families without shoes in the shops or standing outside the shops sucking back cigarettes while the kids wait in the car. It is pretty normal to see tots with lollies, soft fizzy drinks and chocolate as presumably part of or the entirety of their breakfast or morning tea at 9am. One look from the poor child being fed this diet of junk to the parent in charge inevitably leads to the mother looking as described above or the other extreme, as skinny and unkempt as any drug addict one has the misfortune to encounter.

All of these sites make me shudder. Not so much because i find them unattractive to look at, which I do, but because i think two things “What the fuck went wrong for you that you have ended up like this?” and “Your child has NO hope”. At a guess, maybe one in one thousand, one in ten thousand kids have the intelligence and drive to pull themselves out of this gutter of a life and create something amazing for themselves and break the mould with their own family, but that is very, very unlikely for the majority. It makes me sad for these children who are born the same as any other, pretty much beautiful and perfect but slowly but surely ruined by ignorant, uneducated, lazy and inadequate parenting.

Never mind that one can only guess at what goes on behind closed doors if this is what they display in public with regard to diet, how they talk to and treat their children and themselves. I simply cannot imagine that when these children start school that they come home every afternoon to a quiet, calm environment where they are encouraged to do their homework of learning to read and write and sitting down to a decent, healthy homemade meal. It can’t be that far fetched to guess that these homes are full of smoke, drink and drugs and god knows what and who else. Certainly no springboard to leap out of the poverty trap.

If you think this is far fetched, please come and take a look for yourselves at the white trash that litter this area. The first time I paid a trip to this particular shopping centre I was truly shocked. This from someone who has travelled the world, seen abject poverty, even survived hard times myself by the skin of my teeth.

This is what I see happening when I look towards to the scum of society and I can completely understand the cycle of poverty, lack of education, motivation, the social benefit safety net being too comfortable to climb out of.

What really frightens me however is when parents that do and can know better continue to feed their children a diet of junk, sugar and various other poisons. Most people I know and socialise with are well educated, well off and have good jobs and do their upmost to be very good parents, certainly nowhere near the description of the lower end of the scale written about already. However 99% of these parents still give their children far too many sweets, lollies, ice creams, chips, fried foods, convenience foods, fizzy drinks each and every day.

We are continually told though the press that we are in the middle of ‘An Obesity Epidemic’ with Australia being the (depending on the year – check the internet for latest stats) about the fourth of fifth most obese nation. Hold on though, it is getting fatter and fatter, faster and faster than anywhere else on earth. Queensland is the most overweight state so it lends some weight to what I observe and using some foresight, its not hard to see that these little kids who are being misguided by the very people who are supposed to set good examples will follow down the same path. Bad diet leading to bad dental health, being fat, overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Not only are these all life shortening states (google gum disease linked to heart disease if you scoff at bad dental health being life threatening) they are very unpleasant to live with.

Occasionally a fat person may shrug off their weight problem and claim that they are happy the way they are but in MY 43 years I have NEVER ever encountered one person say they are happy to be fat. Most overweight people talk or dieting, wanting to be healthier, fitter, slimmer, not about getting bigger and bigger. Actions speak louder than words though as talk is cheap. The hard work of self control with food and exercise is incredibly challenging  hard work. Far beyond the reach of most it seems. Generally most fat people are full of self loathing for one reason or another linked to what is that prompts them to overeat and to think that these gorgeous children will likely one day hate their own bodies is horrific.

I sympathise with all the difficulties that lead people to the point of being unhealthy in this way but i feel anger when they subject their children to the same fate. Come on. Put down the bag of chips, put on your trainers, grab your kids and go for a walk. Then, come home, drink water, only water and eat a meal that contains proper, whole and healthy foods. Then do that again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Then you may feel your self loathing slip away from you as quickly as the fat does and best of all, you will setting up your child for a fresh approach. You yourself will be breaking the mould – one of the biggest achievements a human can attain.

Slowing Down and Speeding Up

After a really lovely Christmas, with a week spent in Kingscliff NSW we are back at home again. Three weeks of the summer holiday have evaporated already and they have been bliss. Time together as a family with lots and lots of swimming, beach time, long walks while the children scooted on, divine food and so, so, so much sleep.

Now, as my husband returns to work, in fact he is OS for a week, we go back to the loved and cherished way of life; being at home with two little children with no demanding agenda. No packed lunches, no school run, no time constraints. Just me and my little kingdom….or that should be queendom.

We have had two days of this now, today I woke at 8 and we didn’t leave the house until about 3pm in search of a few birthday presents for the big upcoming 5th birthday. We broke open a 1000 piece jigsaw and began to sort it into straight edges, corners, etc., spent a couple of 10 minutes doing piano practice which has petered out during our rest from school, i tidied, sorted, prepped food, administrated, ironed, made notes and plans. The children played, ate and rested.

After our trip to the toy shop, which is always the source of such fun for the children and very relaxing for me as we were the only customers so we had free run of the place, we came home and settled on an early dinner. I had thawed a piece of roast pork and mish mashed a dinner together of leftover potato salad, carrot, apple and cheese salad, steamed asparagus and a green salad with Haloumi. It was delicious and more so because i did no cooking whatsoever plus i felt pretty clever to have a salad with apple  in it that complemented the pork. I love to cook and have found it to be a growing passion and i also enjoy making cooking and meals really easy and simple.

The aim of the early and easy dinner was to head down to the beach afterwards to cool off in the evening breeze and have some exercise. The children are content to scoot for quite a way which is great for me as i walk fast with them until i am warmed up and then start running. Running feels so much easier after walking for about a K and its really enjoyable with the views of the ocean, the wind and lots of other walkers and families doing similar things.

It is incredibly unusual to go for a walk, or do anything here and not see at least one person we know. Tonight was no exception and we met Tre with her two children taking an evening walk. I first met her on the beach when we moved here 6 years ago. She and her friend were chatting while their children played and i started talking to them as my then little tot played with their older children. She was a great find as we left there having swapped number which led to many plays, chats and catchups which, while they ebbed off after i had another baby and her children were getting older is still a lovely friendship today and the children enjoy one another’s company. They joined us on our walk and we caught up on news. They went off home and we headed back too, by this time i was happy to run and it feels great to have the children darting here and there while i feel like i am flying along either beside, in front or behind them.

My exercise philosophy  has always been that i do what i can. I have more time to myself these days to indulge myself with bootcamps or training with a friend, running while the little run was at a dancing class or swimming while she had her weekly lesson in the pool next to me. During the holiday i have to adapt that and for this week at least i will be going out each evening and walking and running. Of course, the exercise is great for the little legs too. They amazed us on holiday that they could happily scoot for about 5 km.

So the slowing down it about not having too many plans and pleasing myself as to what we do this week. The speeding up is about looking ahead and doing what i can to be prepared for the coming month or so. With my big girl going back to school and the little one starting school i have to be ready with school labels for everything, school books all labelled, uniforms and lunch equipment bought and ready to go.

Hand in hand with this is my role for our schools P and F committee where i recruit and organise social parent reps for each class and manage that system throughout the year. Its straightforward and rewarding but it takes some time and effort, especially if it is to work efficiently and i wish to start the term with everything ready to go from day one. I am halfway through the process and have weeks to complete it.

I sit beside the jigsaw and think that tomorrow it would be fantastic, if the weather is kind, to head to the lagoon for an early swim, to cook a cake or some biscuits, have some exercise and keep working on my admin and preparation tasks. The admin of life Tre called it tonight and i thought that was apt.

Sunday Morning Beach Boot Camp

It may be a bit of a rush to go from sleep to beach in the space of less than an hour with 2 little children in tow and a reluctant husband but we do it and we love it. Once the hour of paddling, peddling, kayaking, lunging, planking, dipping etc. is complete and it is only just turning 9.00am we feel great. Virtuous, alive, happy and ready for coffee and breakfast or even a second breakfast.

The advantage of working out with a few friends by the beach is the camaraderie and environment. Its a beautiful way to exercise, watching the blue jelly blubbers swim past, sometimes the bottom of the ocean floor is clear and the ripples of sand and seaweed and rocks are crystal clear. Today the waves were choppy and filled with seaweed but so warm. Falling in is a relief from the hear. Our trainer Suzanna is tough and relentless and encourages us to push ourselves.

At the finish we are soaking wet, covered in sand and happy. If you have to exercise, and you do, this is a perfect way to make it fun, fun, fun.


